CFP: 11th Critical Finance Studies conference

CFP: 11th Critical Finance Studies conference

Aug 7, 2019 - 12:31 PM
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Call for papers

11th Critical Finance Studies conference

7-9th August 2019.

University of Birmingham, Birmingham Business School, England

Critical Finance Studies Conference

Studying finance critically is about risking one’s self in the course of producing radically novel ways of thinking and comprehending finance and, ultimately, of creating new possibilities of life. It is the place of the Critical Finance Studies conference to encourage a wide range of critical and creative ways of engaging with finance. In other words if you have a nascent or unusual idea this is the conference to submit your paper to. However, in addition, this year we especially encourage papers on Finance and the Environment, given the urgency of all issues concerning our planet’s habitability for humans and other species, and our consequent responsibility to future generations and all living things.

At the same time the environmental crisis is also an economic, political and social crisis for many across the planet in the present as well as the future. Both these agendas require innovative ways of thinking and acting about finance, whether in conventional areas such as banking, regulation, governance, and the “high finance” of the financial markets, or less explored areas such as finance in the arts and in popular culture, or as play,. It also requires innovative practical ways of addressing both old and new problems.

We therefore welcome papers for CFS 2019. Papers should be submitted to Jean-Charles We encourage and welcome passionate and intellectually engaged work at different stages of development and of whatever form. Our main interest is that the ideas or empirics are developed enough for the audience to be intellectually challenged and engaged in discussion. The deadline for submission, ideally of an extended abstract (maximum 1000 words), is Monday 15th April 2019. Accepted papers should be submitted in their final form by 1 July 2019.

Possible topics may include, but are not limited to:

Finance and the Environment
Responsible Banking and Finance, Stewardship and Governing
Finance simulations, dissimulations and truth games
Finance, Utopias and Heterotopias
Money and Finance in History
Finance, Financialization and the Subject
Finance, arts and architecture (music, dance, theatre, installations etc.) Finance and Play, Games and Gambling
Finance education, specialist/academic and generalist

The conference is with a Fee of £100 but free for PhD students. If you wish to attend the conference without presenting a paper, please register by sending an email to the conference organisers

The organising committee members are Dr Ann-Christine Frandsen, Professor Andrew Mullineux, Professor Keith Hoskin, Professor Ian Thomson, University of Birmingham, Dr John Morris, UCL. Conference assistance: PhD student Jean-Charles Buttolo.