12th Annual Critical Finance Studies Conference: Virtual Get-Together
12th Annual Critical Finance Studies Conference
Virtual Get-Together
27th – 28th August 2020
Critical finance scholars question the dominant narratives that surround finance. Often, they challenge the belief that finance could be beneficial to society, if only it were regulated effectively – and if only everyone had sufficient financial knowledge. Shedding light on the limitations of current economic systems, the COVID-19 pandemic has made it all the more urgent to develop critical financial insights, drawing from a range of disciplines: from economics to sociology, accounting, arts and culture, philosophy, and politics, to name a few. The 12th Annual Critical Finance Studies Conference brings together scholars from a wide range of disciplines, to critically assess the role of finance and financialization in politics, culture and society.
THU, AUG 27, 2020 - 12th Annual Critical Finance Studies Conference £0.00
Keynote Speakers:
Annie McClanahan is an Assistant Professor of English at the University of California, Irvine. She is the author of Dead Pledges: Debt, Crisis, and 21st Century Culture (Stanford UP, 2016). Her current book in progress is titled Tipwork, Gigwork, Automation: Culture After the Formal Wage.
Katharina Pistor is Edwin B. Parker Professor of Comparative Law at the Columbia Law School, and a leading scholar and writer on corporate governance, money and finance, property rights, and comparative law and legal institutions. She is the author or co-author of nine books, most recently The Code of Capital: How the Law Creates Wealth and Inequality.
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