David Harvie
- Associate Professor, University of Leicester
Contact Info
- Ph.D., University of Leeds
Selected Publications
Free Association, The (2011) Moments of Excess: Movements, Protest and Everyday Life, Oakland, CA: PM Press.
Turbulence Collective (2010) eds. What Would it Mean to Win?, Oakland, CA: PM Press.
Harvie, David, Keir Milburn, Ben Trott and David Watts (2005) eds, Shut Them Down! The G8, Gleneagles 2005 and the Movement of Movements, Leeds: Dissent! and Brooklyn, NY: Autonomedia.
Journal Articles
Harvie, David and Keir Milburn (forthcoming) ‘On the uses of fairy dust’, Culture and Organization.
Dowling, Emma and David Harvie (2014) ‘Harnessing the social: state, society and (big) society’, Sociology, 48(5): 869-886.
Harvie, David, Geoff Lightfoot, Simon Lilley and Kenneth Weir (2013) ‘Publisher, be damned! From price gouging to the open road’, Prometheus: Critical Studies in Innovation, 13(3): 229-239. [See associated report in Times Higher Education, 5 June 2014, and a coda to the story, also in Times Higher Education, 19 June 2014.]
Harvie, David and Keir Milburn (2013) ‘The moral economy of the English crowd in the twenty-first century’, South Atlantic Quarterly, 112(3): 559-567.
Brown, Gareth, Emma Dowling, David Harvie and Keir Milburn (2013) ‘Careless talk: social reproduction and fault-lines of the crisis in the UK’, Social Justice: A Journal of Crime, Conflict and World Order, 39(1): 68-85.
Book Chapters
Lightfoot, Geoff and David Harvie (2015) ‘Finance: finding a philosophical fit?’ In Raza Mir, Hugh Willmot and Michelle Greenwood (eds) The Routledge Companion to Philosophy in Organization Studies, London: Routledge: 388-394.
De Angelis, Massimo and David Harvie (2014) ‘The Commons’. In Martin Parker, George Cheney, Valérie Fournier and Chris Land (eds) The Routledge Companion to Alternative Organization, London: Routledge: 280-294.
Free Association, The (2013) ‘On shock and organisation: riots, resistance and the need for consistency’. In Rebecca Fisher (ed) Managing Democracy, Managing Dissent: Capitalism, Democracy and the Organisation of Consent, London: Corporate Watch.
Free Association, The (2012) ‘On fairy dust and rupture’. In Alessio Lunghi and Seth Wheeler (eds) Occupy Everything: Reflections on why it's kicking off everywhere, Brooklyn, NY: Minor Compositions/Autonomedia: 24-31.