Jonathan Fox
- Professor, Iowa State University
In addition to his research and teaching, Professor Fox directs the Financial Counseling Clinic (FCC), an on-campus nonprofit organization that provides financial education and counseling to students, faculty, staff, and Ames community members. At the FCC, undergraduate and graduate students can receive unbiased professional advice on loans, credit card debt, budgeting, investing, and other finance-related matters, free of charge. Founded in 1986, the FCC is one of just five university financial counseling clinics in the nation.
Contact Info
- Ph.D., University of Maryland
Selected Publications
Letkiewicz, J., & J.J. Fox. (in press). Conscientiousness, Financial Literacy, and Asset Accumulation of Young Adults. Journal of Consumer Affairs.
Letkiewicz, J., H. Lim, S. Heckman, S. Bartholomae, J.J. Fox, & C.P. Montalto. (in press). The path to graduation: Factors predicting on-time graduation rates. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice.
Eades, K., J.J. Fox, A. Keown, & M. Staten (2013). The Role of Professors in Improving Financial Literacy. Journal of Applied Finance. 23 (1), 138-144.
Fox, J.J., S. Bartholomae & K.S. Troimbitas. (2012). Evaluating your program. In C. Durband & S. Britt (Eds.) Student financial literacy: Program development. New York, NY, Springer Publishing Company.
Bartholomae, S. & J.J. Fox. (2012). Unbanked families. In Families with futures: Family studies for the 21st Century, by M.W. Karraker and J.R. Grochowski. London, UK: Routledge.
Lusardi, A., R. Clark, J. Fox, J. Grable & E. Taylor (2011). Promising learning strategies, interventions, and delivery methods in financial literacy education: What techniques, venues, tactics, and mechanisms show the most promise to promote and achieve financial well-being? The Quarter Century Project, National Endowment for Financial Education.
Bartholomae, S. & J. J. Fox. (2010). Economic stress and families. In S.J. Price, C. Price & P.C. McKenry (Eds.) Families & Change: Coping with stressful events and transitions. Fourth Edition, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 185-210.
Bartholomae, S. & J.J. Fox. (2008). Families on the Financial Fringe. National Council on Family Research Report, 53, F3-F5.
Fox, J.J. & S. Bartholomae. (2008). Financial Education and Program Evaluation. In J.J. Xiao (Ed.) Handbook of Consumer Finance Research. New York, NY: Springer, 47-68.
Loibl, C., J. Lee, J. Fox, J & E. Gaeta (2007). Women’s High Consequence Decision Making: A Nonstatic and Complex Choice Process. Financial Counseling and Planning, 18(2), 35- 47.
Peng, T-C. M., S. Bartholomae, J.J. Fox & G. Cravener. (2007). The Impact of Personal Finance Education Delivered in High School and College Courses. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 265-284.