Melinda Cooper

Melinda Cooper

  • Associate Professor, University of Sydney
Melinda Cooper's research focuses on the broad areas of social studies of finance, biomedical economies, neoliberalism and new social conservatisms. She recently published Family Values: Between Neoliberalism and the New Social Conservatism, published in Zone Book’s Near Futures series. She is one of the editors of the Journal of Cultural Economy and co-editor with Martijn Konings of the book series Currencies: New Thinking for Political Times (Stanford University Press).


Contact Info

A26 - R.C. Mills
The University of Sydney NSW 2006
Social Media and Websites


  • Ph.D., University of Paris VIII

Selected Publications

Cooper, Melinda. (2017) Family Values: Between Neoliberalism and the New Social Conservatism. New York: Zone Books. ISBN-10: 1935408844. ISBN-13: 978-1935408840.

Cooper, Melinda and Martijn Konings (2015) “Contingency and Foundation: Rethinking Money, Debt and Finance After the Crisis.” South Atlantic Quarterly, 114 (2), 2015, pp. 239-250.

Cooper, Melinda (2015). “Shadow Money and the Shadow Workforce: Rethinking Labor and Liquidity.” SAQ: The South Atlantic Quarterly, 114(2), 395-423.

Cooper, Melinda (2011). “Complexity Theory after the Financial Crisis: The Death of Neoliberalism or the Triumph of Hayek?” Journal of Cultural Economy, 4(4), 371-385.

Cooper, Melinda and Jeremy Walker (2011). “Genealogies of Resilience: From Systems Ecology to the Political Economy of Crisis Adaptation.” Security Dialogue, 42(2), 143-160.

Cooper, Melinda. (2010). “Turbulent Worlds: Between Financial and Environmental Crisis.” Theory, Culture and Society, 27(2-3), 1-24.