Ole Bjerg

Ole Bjerg

  • Associate Professor
  • Copenhagen Business School
My research interests circle around a diagnosis of contemporary capitalism. I am currently interested in the simple question: What is money? The assumption is that money is not a given and constant phenomenon. Money changes as the structure of capitalism changes. In my current research I am exploring how the radical transformations of banking and financial markets over the last 30-40 years is related to transformations in the very ontology of money. In order to investigate this philosophically, we need to ask, with Heidegger: How is money? Furthermore, our capacity to find ways out of the current crisis hinges on our ability to imagine new kinds of money systems and new kinds of money.


Contact Info

Porcelænshaven 18B
2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark


  • Ph.D., University of Copenhagen

Selected Publications

Ole Bjerg; Duncan McCann; Laurie Macfarlane; Rasmus Hougaard Nielsen; Josh Ryan-Collins / Seigniorage in the 21st Century (Working paper, January 2017)

Ole Bjerg; Thomas Presskorn-Thygesen / Conspiracy Theory : Truth Claim or Language Game.
In: Theory, Culture & Society, Vol. 34, No. 1, 2017, p. 137-159 (Journal article)

Ole Bjerg / Penge i spil : Ludomani og kapitalisme.
In: Sundhed og magt: Perspektiver på biopolitik og ledelsesteknologi. . ed. /Mads Peter Karlsen; Kaspar Villadsen. København : Hans Reitzel 2017, p. 301-330 (Book chapter)

Ole Bjerg / Gode penge : Et kontant svar på gældskrisen.
2.ed.København : Informations Forlag 2016, 135 p. (Book)

Ole Bjerg / How is Bitcoin Money?
In: Theory, Culture & Society, Vol. 33, No. 1, 2016, p. 53-72 (Journal article)

Ole Bjerg / Parallax of Growth : The Philosophy of Ecology and Economy.
Cambridge : Polity Press 2016, 252 p. (Book)

Ole Bjerg / Is there Life after Debt? : Revolution in the Age of Financial Capitalism.
In: Finance and Society, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2015, p. 81-89 (Journal article)

Ole Bjerg; Stephen Dunne / Making ‘Making Money' : A Discussion With Ole Bjerg.
In: Finance and Society, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2015, p. 75-80 (Journal article)

Ole Bjerg / Making Money : The Philosophy of Crisis Capitalism.
London : Verso 2014, 256 p. (Book)