Tim Christiaens

Tim Christiaens

  • PhD-candidate
  • Institute of Philosophy, KU Leuven, Belgium
Tim Christiaens is a PhD-candidate at the Institute of Philosophy, KU Leuven, Belgium. He holds MA and MPhil degrees in Philosophy and Comparative & International Politics. His PhD deals with the divergent interpretations of (neoliberal) governmentality in Foucault and Agamben. Tim's further research deals with the intersections of French and Italian critical theory with issues of political and economic subjectivity like financialization, sovereignty, and debt.


Contact Info

Blijde-Inkomststraat 21 - box 3302
3000 Leuven
Social Media and Websites


  • MA and MPhil in Philosophy and Comparative & International Politics

Selected Publications

Christiaens T., De Cauwer S. (2018). How to Think a War Machine? Interview with Maurizio Lazzarato. In: De Cauwer S. (Eds.), Crisis and Its Discontents: Conversations. New York: Columbia University Press. (forthcoming)

Christiaens T., Simons M. (2018). Finance is an Extractive Sector: Interview with Saskia Sassen. In: De Cauwer S. (Eds.), Crisis and Its Discontents: Conversations. New York: Columbia University Press. (forthcoming)

Christiaens, T., Neoliberalism and the Right to be Lazy: Inactivity as Resistance in Lazzarato and Agamben. Rethinking Marxism(forthcoming)

Christiaens T. (2016). Digital Subjectivation and Financial Markets: Criticizing Social Studies of Finance with LazzaratoBig Data & Society3 (2), art.nr. 2053951716662897.