Finance and Society Network


The Finance and Society Network (FSN) is an interdisciplinary research network dedicated to fostering new perspectives on the social implications of contemporary finance. It has three key functions:

  1. To collate and distribute relevant announcements through a regular newsletter
  2. To facilitate the organization of events, including conferences, workshops, and other meetings
  3. To provide routes to publication through our partner outlets

Membership is free. More information on how to use the network is available here.


FSN was founded in January 2018 by Amin Samman and Martijn Konings, both of whom serve as its chairs. More information on the team is available here.


To receive announcements about events and publications, please sign up for our newsletter. If you have news you would like to share with our members, please contact us.


To organize an event in collaboration with the network, please contact us.


If you are interested in publishing with either of our partners, please contact the relevant journal editors/series editors directly.


Funding Organization: Finance and Society Network

Duration: 06/10/2018